Welcome to the 33rd NSI Annual Meeting and General Assembly 2015
Where: Runde Auditorium, Domus Medica, University of Oslo
When: Thursday Oct 12th from 11:00.
We have prepared a broad and exiting programme this year, featuring Dr. Ronald N. Germain from NIH, USA, and prof. Ludvig M. Sollid from CIR, Oslo University Hospital/University of Oslo. Sollid will be awarded NSI Honorary Member at this meeting.
The full program can be found HERE.
We encourage all NSI members to submit abstracts for the meeting. 8-10 of the submitted abstracts will be selected for oral presentations, and we also hope to see many posters during the poster session. Please note that oral presentations may qualify for study points towards the PhD degree.
Abstract submission and registration for the NSI Annual Dinner is now open at: https://nettskjema.uio.no/answer/68008.html
Please register by November 5th.