“Bjarne Bogens stiftelse til fremme av immunologisk forskning” has established a yearly prize of NOK 50 000 for a young researcher within the field of immunology. The award will be administered by NSI.
You can find more information about the foundation here: https://unifor.no/stiftelser/bjarne-bogens-stiftelse-til-fremme-av-immunologisk-forskning/
Criteria for evaluation for the NSI – Bogen Young Investigator Award:
- Age at application deadline < 40 years
- The person should have conducted scientific work of high quality. Scientific independence will be scored high.
- The work should preferentially have been initiated and performed in a Norwegian research environment – but international collaboration and research stays abroad to achieve the research aims is permissible and even preferable.
- The prize winner may work in any subdiscipline of immunology.
- The applicant should be a member of NSI at the time of application submission
2023 will be the first year for the award. An evaluation committee is appointed by NSI, consisting of two experienced immunology researchers situated in Norway and one NSI board member at the Professor level as an observer (will only vote if needed to reach a conclusion between two applicants).
How to nominate/be nominated:
- Write one page in English (font 11 or higher) that explains the significance of the candidate’s work. References will not count towards the 1-page limit. This page should be signed either by 1–3 persons that propose the candidate or by the person him/herself in the case of self-nomination.
- CV (maximum 2 pages)
- Publication list of main work (max 20 references).
- Send application with all attachments in one pdf to the NSI board v/ Victor Greiff (victor.greiff@medisin.uio.no)
- Application date for 2023 is Oct 10th.
The person awarded the NSI – Bogen Young Investigator Award will be approached in the middle of November, and the prize will be handed to that person at the NSI Annual Meeting (this year: 24th of Nov 2023). The awarded person will be expected to hold a short presentation at the annual meeting.
Previous winners:
2023: Rasmus Iversen