The NSI, a member of the Scandinavian Society for Immunology (SSI), is an active society that arranges meetings with national and international speakers. NSI members may advantage of benefits such as meeting travel grants and free copies of the Scandinavian Journal of Immunology. Members are considered for the NSI Publication Award given every year on the Annual Meeting for an outstanding article in immunology.
The Board members and the local representatives run the NSI. Volunteers are elected to the Board at the annual general meeting. The Board and representatives are always delighted to hear from NSI members who have suggestions to make, especially when suggesting speakers!
Would you like to become a member? You have the possibility to either sign up as an individual member, or collectively through your research group.
Our members consists of a wide variety of people, representing many nationalities and levels of competence. Members range from students to internationally established scientists. Everybody interested in academic and clinical immunology, is welcome to join. You may like to read about the advantages of membership.
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Newsletters and discussion forum
The meetings arranged by NSI are open for all, but as a member you receive regular notification by e-mail of NSI meetings, as well as other important immunology events in Norway and world-wide. The mailing list <> is also an open discussion forum for all members, moderated by the secretary to avoid spam. All the members of NSI are automatically signed-up to this mailing list.
Local branches
NSI has local branches in both Bergen, Trondheim and Tromsø. Each branch is responsible for arranging local activities in the Norwegian university cities. Visit here for more information.
History and statutes of NSI
The Norwegian Society for Immunology was founded in 1982. The intention was to encompass the entire immunological community in Norway. To read more about NSI’s history, please follow these links:
Who are the patrons?
The patrons, or company-members, show their support for immunology research in Norway by paying a higher membership fee. Our patrons have thus chosen to invest in the members of the NSI, supporting the dissemination of immunology expertise in Norway.
The following companies are currently supporting our organization:

Please contact the Sponsorships board representative if your company wish to become one of our patrons!