NSI Annual General Meetings

41st NSI Annual Meeting and General Assembly

Registration and abstract submissions for the 41st NSI Annual Meeting and General Assembly are now open!
Date: Friday, November 24, 2023
Time: 9.30 to 22.00
Location: Runde Auditorium, Domus Medica

Registration deadline:21st November 2023
Poster abstract to be considered for short talk deadline: 14th October (submission after deadline will only be posters)
Poster abstract deadline: 1st November 2023
Dinner fee deadline (350 NOK):23rd November 2023 [last year, very few people paid this fee. You can find the bank details in the nettskjema below.]

Please register and submit your abstract here: https://nettskjema.no/a/353037.

**Four (4) travel grants will be awarded for non-Oslo attendees**. A successful candidate must have an abstract as first author for the NSI yearly meeting. Responsible: Gunnveig Grødeland (gunnveig.grodeland@medisin.uio.no). Deadline: Same as Poster abstract deadline. 

Abstract guidelines/dinner information etc. can be found in the Nettskjema link above.

40th NSI Annual Meeting 2022

We are happy to announce that the 40th Annual meeting will be held Friday 25th November in Oslo.
Please register and submit your abstract here: https://nettskjema.no/a/279341

Program highlights:
National Speaker
June Myklebust, Group leader, Dept. of Immunology, Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital, Associate Professor, Institute for Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo
Deciphering immune cell states in the B-cell lymphoma microenvironment

NSI Keynote Lecture
Bruno Miguel de Carvalho e Silva Santos, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Gamma-delta T cells for immunotherapy of cancer

National NSI Speaker
Helena Erlandsson Harris, The Broegelmann Chair in Translational Immunology Broegelmann, Research Laboratory, University of Bergen
Revealing immune mechanisms active in juvenile arthritis by a proteomics approach 

National NSI Speaker
Peter Szodoray , B-cell Receptor Signaling Group (BCRS), Department of Immunology, Rikshospitalet, Oslo University Hospital
Integration of T-helper signals with BCR signaling mediates enhanced plasma cell
differentiation of human memory B-cells through regulation of CD45 phosphatase activity

39th NSI Annual General Assembly 2021

Reminder: the NSI Annual General Assembly for 2021 will take place on Friday, November 26, 2021

9:00 – 9:05 Welcome Address by Else Marit Inderberg (NSI President) & Petter H¨oglund (SJI Editor)
9:05 – 9:30 NSI Reporting (election of New Board members, change of election committee, financials, future events)
9:30 – 10:00 NSI Research Prize lecture(s)
10:00 – 10:45 NSI AGM Keynote – Pan H¨ammerstr¨om (Karolinska) “Infections and immunity, COVID-19 and beyond”

Please join the virtual meeting on Zoom here: https://uio.zoom.us/j/69094667019?pwd=V3VzcVZickxxNWxyOUhoaVRtSXVnZz09
Meeting ID: 690 9466 7019
Passcode: 218634

38th NSI Annual Meeting and General Assembly

Registration for the 38th NSI Annual Meeting and General Assembly is now open.

Date: Friday, November 27, 2020
Time: 9.00 to 10.00 CEST
Location: Zoom (link to be sent closer to the meeting date)
Registration deadline: November 26, 2020

Please register here: https://nettskjema.no/a/163486

Programme Highlights:
Given the circumstances with covid-19, NSI has opted for a virtual Annual Meeting on Zoom shortened to the essential programme items: (1) the General Assembly and (2) a presentation by the recipient of the NSI research prize.

09.00–09.30 General Assembly
09.30–10.00 presentation by recipient of NSI research prize

We are seeking nominations for the NSI Research Prize, which recognizes an outstanding article published within the last year (Nov 2019–present).

Please send nominations to Victor Greiff (victor.greiff@medisin.uio.no) before November 01​.

Eligibility information is here: https://norwegianimmunology.org/immunology-prize/

37th NSI Annual Meeting & General Assembly 2019

Date: Friday, November 29, 2019
Time: 9.30 to 22.00
Location: Runde Auditorium, Domus Medica, Oslo
View the final programme here.
AGM meeting minutes can be viewed here.

Welcome to the 36th Annual Meeting, Friday 23 November 2018!

Professor Christoph Hess from University of Basel, Switzerland, will deliver our keynote lecture (visit the Hess lab website here). Additionally, there will also be talks from national speakers and short talks selected from the submitted abstracts. The scientific program will also include many exciting studies presented during the afternoon poster session. This year the Annual meeting will begin with 6 short company presentation held by Norwegian companies engaged in immunology research (see program link below).
The meeting will include the NSI General Assembly, and conclude with a free bar during the poster session followed by our Annual Dinner.
The Annual Dinner (Tapas, dessert and wine/beer) and Party will start at 19:15 at Kafé Eric, Domus Medica. The registration fee for the Annual Dinner and Party are NOK 250 for members and NOK 450 for non-NSI members (including NSI membership for 2018).  The deadline for registration and payment for the annual dinner is November 22nd (see payment details and registration form below). There is no need to sign up for the scientific program during the day.
Program is saved here.

Welcome to the 35th Annual Meeting, Friday November 17th 2017!

Professor Richard Holmdahl from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden will deliver our keynote lecture (Holmdahl lab web site: http://ki.se/en/mbb/rikard-holmdahl-group) .
Additionally, there will also be talks from Professor Mats Ohlin (Lund University, Sweden) and Associate professor Peter Kristensen (Aarhus University, Denmark), as well as invited national speakers and short talks selected from the submitted abstracts. The scientific program will also include many exciting studies presented during the afternoon poster session.
The meeting will include the NSI General Assembly, and conclude with a free bar during the poster session, followed by our Annual Dinner.  The Annual Dinner (Tapas, dessert and wine/beer) and Party will start at 19:00 at Kafé Erik at Domus Medica (Registration is closing November 10th). The registration fee for the Annual Dinner and Party are NOK 250 for members and NOK 450 for non-NSI members (including NSI membership for 2017).
The registration fee should be paid before November 10 to confirm participation to the Annual Dinner/Party.  

Annual Party Payment Details
Ordinary members (incl. PhD students): NOK 250.
Non-members: NOK 450.

NSI 32nd Annual Meeting and General Assembly 2014

Time: Thursday November 13th 11:00 ‐18:00
Venue:   Nye Auditorium 13, Domus Medica, University of Oslo
Time:     Thursday November 13th, from 11:00

The Annual Meeting with scientific presentations will be held from 11:00 – 18:00, directly followed by the General Assembly from 18:00-18:30.

The poster session with refreshments will be held outside Auditorium 13 from 18:30 – 19.30, followed by the Annual Dinner and Party in Forvalterboligen at Rikshospitalet at 19:30.

Abstract presentations
We encourage all NSI members to submit abstracts for the meeting. 8-10 of the submitted abstracts will be selected for oral presentations. Please note that oral presentations may qualify for study points towards a degree. In addition, we hope to see many posters and discussions during the poster session. Please indicate during registration whether you wish to present a poster. Poster presentation is independent of the oral presentations, and you may present in both formats.

Agenda for the General Assembly
The agenda for the General Assembly is included as a separate attachment. All documents for the General Assembly will be circulated to all members no later than 1 week prior the Assembly. Members that wish to bring up an item for discussion at the General Assembly can notify Marit Inngjerdingen at mariti@medisin.uio.no in advance in order to put it on the agenda.

Abstract submission and registration for the NSI Annual Party is now open at https://nettskjema.uio.no/answer/61743.html, and we encourage you to register by November 1st.
Please pay 200 NOK for the dinner and party upon registration, using the bank account 0540 08 38560 (Norsk Selskap for Immunologi).
Mark the payment with your name and “NSI Annual Meeting”.

11:00 NSI Special Guest Lecture
Per Brandtzæg, Department of Pathology, OUS
The advent of immunological research in Norway and NSI as a catalyst
11:45 NSI Main Lecture
Prof. Chiara Romagnani, Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum Berlin
To be announced (Topic: ILCs)
12:30 Lunch
13:00 National NSI Speakers
Kristin Fenton, Department of Medical biology, University of Tromsø
Lupus nephritis: from mesangial cell activation to development of tertiary lymphoid structures
Jan Terje Andersen, Department of Immunology, Oslo University Hospital
Intracellular antibody sensing in the battle against infection
Piotr Mydel, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen
Post-translational modifications as a modulator of immune responses
15:30 Abstract sessions I and II (separated by coffee break)
18:00 NSI General Assembly
19:30 NSI Annual Dinner and Party, Forvalterboligen, Rikshospitalet

30th November 2012: Annual meeting and general assembly

Venue: Rotunden, Domus Medica, new building
13:00‐13:30: Frode Jahnsen (Oslo): “Disturbed lipid metabolism in fetal skin predisposes for development of allergic disorders”
14:00‐14:30: TrudeHelen Flo (Trondheim): “Molecular mechanisms of mycobacterialinfections. An overview”
14:30‐14:45: Break with refreshments
14:45‐16:00: Abstract session 1
16:00‐16:30: Break with refreshments and snacks
16:30‐17:30: Abstract session 2
17:30‐18:00: General Assembly
18:30‐01:00: Annual party with tapas, drinks, music and dance
Venue: DomusMedica, new building cantina, 2nd floor