The 2018 Day of Immunology was held at Litteraturhuset on 23 April from 11.00-14.30. The theme was “Autoimmun sykdom: Arv og miljø”.
The annual Day of Immunology seminar is open for everyone and there is no entrance cost. This is a popular science meeting with presentations in Norwegian. The 2018 Day of Immunology received support from UiO:Life Science, the Department of Biosciences at University of Oslo and K.G. Jebsen Coeliac Disease Research Centre (J CoDiRC) and the Regional Inflammation Research Network (RIRnet).
Here is a short a description of the seminar in Norwegian:
“Visste du at både cøliaki og diabetes er autoimmune sykdommer, hvor immunsystemet angriper egen kropp? Eksperter kommer og deler sin viten om det som skjer, om betydningen av kosthold og om nye behandlingsmetoder. Immunologiens Dag er verdensomspennende og formidler ny forskning til offentligheten”.
The full program and a summary of the research presented by the main speakers can be found below.