Seminar on Deciphering the antibody repertoire using antibody proteomics

Dear colleagues,
It’s our pleasure to invite you to a seminar on “Deciphering the antibody repertoire using antibody proteomics”.

Location: Rødt Auditorium, Rikshospitalet
Time: Tuesday 24 Sept, 10.00–12.00
(Sweets and fruits will be served before the start of the seminar)

Three speakers:
Dr. Albert Bondt,  Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics group at Utrecht University. 45 min, gscholar:
Talk title: Top-down immunoglobulomics: starting from the end
Brief abstract of talk: “Antibodies are widely recognized for their important role in immunity. Antibodies are protein products of completely matured and highly specialized B cells. Most of the research that is currently being done, however, starts from intermediate stages in B cell development. We take another route, and study antibodies starting from their final developmental stage, namely the circulating and secreted proteins. In my presentation I will share some of our main discoveries and future research directions. “

Douwe Schulte, Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics group at Utrecht University, 25 min
Talk title: Bottom-up immunoglobulomics

Khang Lê Quý, University of Oslo, 25 min
Talk title: Benchmarking and integrating human B-cell receptor genomic and antibody proteomic profiling (

All the best, looking forward to seeing many of you there!