NSI administrates this award which will be given to the first author(s) of an outstanding original scientific paper in the field of immunology. Please send nominations to Gunnveig Grødeland (gunnveig.grodeland@medisin.uio.no) before 1st November 2024. The winner will be notified early/mid-November about the decision and should hold a short talk on his/her work at the yearly NSI meeting. The winner will be announced on the NSI web page, as well as to all NSI members via email.
- The article has to be an outstanding original scientific paper in the field of immunology
- The article has to be published within the last year (counting from last November)
- The first author (co-authors) has to be affiliated with a Norwegian research institution
Guidelines for the Award Committee:
- The Committee consists of the NSI board as well as a few members from the Norwegian immunology community. The NSI board chooses a person from the board to be the leader of the Committee.
- The leader of the Committee (see above) receives the applications and makes a scoring sheet for the Committee (example will be provided by the NSI board). The leader acts as a secretary for the Committee.
- If members of the Committee have a conflict of interest in relation to any of the applicants, they should step aside when evaluating that applicant.
- The NSI board should publish the following text for the NSI Community in an e-mail:
“We are seeking nominations for the NSI Publication Award, which recognizes an outstanding article published within the last year (Nov 2023–present). Please send nominations to Gunnveig Grødeland (gunnveig.grodeland@medisin.uio.no) before 1st November 2024. Eligibility information can be found here.
The winner will be giving a talk about their work at the NSI annual meeting.”
Previous winners:
2024: Stian Foss
Article title: Human IgG Fc-engineering for enhanced plasma half-life, mucosal distribution and killing of cancer cells and bacteria
Raquel Bartolomé Casado
Article title: Immune microniches shape intestinal Treg function
2023: Eirini Chrysovalantou Giannakopoulou
Article title: A T cell receptor targeting a recurrent driver mutation in FLT3 mediates elimination of primary human acute myeloid leukemia in vivo
Andreas Hagen Røssevold
Article title: Atezolizumab plus anthracycline-based chemotherapy in metastatic triple-negative breast cancer: the randomized, double-blind phase 2b ALICE trial
2022: Håvard T. Lindholm & Naveen Parmar
Article Title: BMP signaling in the intestinal epithelium drives a critical feedback loop to restrain IL-13–driven tuft cell hyperplasia
Muhammad Ali & Eirini Giannakopoulou
Article title: T cells targeted to TdT kill leukemic lymphoblasts while sparing normal lymphocytes
2021: Jiang Xiaojun
Article Title: “A heterozygous germline CD100 mutation in a family with primary sclerosing cholangitis.”
Rahel Frick & Lene S. Høydahl
Article Title: “A high-affinity human TCR-like antibody detects celiac disease gluten peptide–MHC complexes and inhibits T cell activation.”
2020: Malin Bern
Article Title: An engineered human albumin enhances half-life and transmucosal delivery when fused to protein-based biologics
Members of the 2020 award committee: Else Marit Inderberg, Victor Greiff, Brian K. Chung, Kushi Kushekhar, Alexandre Corthay, Igor Snapkov, Filip M. Segers, Bergithe Oftedal, Markus Haug, Maria Therese Ahlen, Marit Inngjerdingen
2019: Lene Støkken Høydahl
Article Title: Plasma cells are the most abundant gluten peptide MHC-expressing cells in inflamed intestinal tissues from patients with celiac disease
Members of the 2019 award committee: Inger Sandlie, Victor Greiff, Brian K. Chung, Kushi Kushekhar, Monika Szymanska, Erik Bratland, Markus Haug, Maria Therese Ahlen, Else Marit Inderberg
2018: Krzysztof Sikorski
Awarded for the article: A high-throughput pipeline for validation of antibodies
Members of the 2018 award committee: Victor Greiff; Institute of Clinical Medicine, Brian K. Chung; Research Institute of Internal Medicine, Kushi Kushekhar; Institute for Cancer Research
2017: Ole J.B. Landsverk
Awarded for the article: Antibody-secreting plasma cells persist for decades in human intestine“.
The committee for the award in 2018 was: Rasmus Iversen, Institute for Immunology, UiO; Raquel Bartolomé Casado, Department of Pathology, OUS; Lene Støkken Høydahl, Institute for Immunology, UiO; Monika Szymanska, Department of Pathology, UiO and OUS
2011: Anette S. Bøe Wolff
Awarded for the article: Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis in APECED or thymoma patients correlates with autoimmunity to Th17-associated cytokines
Read the winning article.
The commitee for the award in 2011 was: Elin Bergseng, Institute for Immunology, UiO; Espen Bækkevold, Department of Pathology, UiO; Lise Kveberg, Institute for Immunology, UiO
2010: Elin Bergseng and Lars-Egil Fallang
Awarded for the article: Differences in the risk of celiac disease associated with HLA-DQ2.5 or HLA-DQ2.2 are related to sustained gluten antigen presentation
Read the winning article.
The commitee for the award in 2010 was: Gøril Berntzen, Insitute of Immunology, UiO; Roberto di Niro, Institute of Immunology, UiO; Maria K. Dahle, Insitute of Basic Medical Science, UiO.
2009: Michael Zangani
Awarded for the article: Lymphomas can develop from B cells chronically helped by idiotype-specific T cells
Read the winning article.
The committee for the award in 2009 was: Sébastien Walchli, Institutt for kreftforskning, Radiumhospitalet; Anne Lise K. Hestvik, Immunologisk Institutt, Universitetet i Oslo; Geir Åge Løset, Institutt for Molekylær Biovitenskap, Universitetet i Oslo.
2008: Melinda Ráki
Awarded for the article: Tetramer visualization of gut-homing gluten-specific T cells in the peripheral blood of celiac disease patients.
Read the winning article.
The committee for the award in 2008 was: Finn-Eirik Johansen, Institutt for patologi, Universitetet i Oslo; Inger Øynebråten, Immunologisk Institutt, Universitetet i Oslo; Alexandre Corthay, Immunologisk Institutt, Universitetet i Oslo.
2007: Espen Ø. Kvale
Awarded for the article: CD11C+ dendritic cells and plamacytoid DCs are activated by human cytomegalovirus and retain efficient T cell-stimulatory capability upon infection.
Read the winning article.
The committee for the award in 2007 was: Zlatko Dembic, Institutt for oral biologi Universitetet i Oslo; Trygve Holmøy Immunologisk institutt Universitetet i Oslo; Liv Jorun Reitan, Seksjon for immunprofylakse Veterinærinstituttet.
2006: Trygve Holmøy og Agnete B. Fredriksen
For arbeidet: Cerebrospinal fluid T cell clones from patients with multiple sclerosis: recognition of idiotopes on monoclonal IgG secreted by autologous cerebrospinal fluid B cells.
Les vinner artikkelen.
The committee for the award in 2006 was: Professor Tom Eirik Mollnes (formann), Institutt for Immunologi, Rikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet Universitetssykehus, Steinar Funderud, Institutt for kreftforskning, Avdeling for immunologi, Rikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet Universitetssykehus; Vibeke Videm, Institutt for laboratoriemedisin, NTNU; Stig Tollefsen, NSI styrets medlem (sekretær)
2005: Karoline W. Schjetne
Read the article here.
The committee for the award in 2005 was: Zlatko Dembic, Institutt for oral biologi; Bent Rolstad, Avdeling for anatomi; Trond S. Halstensen, Institutt for oral biologi, Universitetet i Oslo.