NSI Publication Award

NSI administrates this award which will be given to the first author(s) of an outstanding original scientific paper in the field of immunology. Please send nominations to Gunnveig Grødeland (gunnveig.grodeland@medisin.uio.no) before 1st November 2024. The winner will be notified early/mid-November about the decision and should hold a short talk on his/her work at the yearly NSI meeting. The winner will be announced on the NSI web page, as well as to all NSI members via email.


  • The article has to be an outstanding original scientific paper in the field of immunology
  • The article has to be published within the last year (counting from last November)
  • The first author (co-authors) has to be affiliated with a Norwegian research institution

Guidelines for the Award Committee:

  • The Committee consists of the NSI board as well as a few members from the Norwegian immunology community. The NSI board chooses a person from the board to be the leader of the Committee.
  • The leader of the Committee (see above) receives the applications and makes a scoring sheet for the Committee (example will be provided by the NSI board). The leader acts as a secretary for the Committee.
  • If members of the Committee have a conflict of interest in relation to any of the applicants, they should step aside when evaluating that applicant. 
  • The NSI board should publish the following text for the NSI Community in an e-mail:
    “We are seeking nominations for the NSI Publication Award, which recognizes an outstanding article published within the last year (Nov 2023–present). Please send nominations to Gunnveig Grødeland (gunnveig.grodeland@medisin.uio.no)  before 1st November 2024. Eligibility information can be found here.
    The winner will be giving a talk about their work at the NSI annual meeting.”

Previous winners:

2024: Stian Foss
Article title: Human IgG Fc-engineering for enhanced plasma half-life, mucosal distribution and killing of cancer cells and bacteria
Raquel Bartolomé Casado
Article title:  Immune microniches shape intestinal Treg function

2023: Eirini Chrysovalantou Giannakopoulou
Article title: A T cell receptor targeting a recurrent driver mutation in FLT3 mediates elimination of primary human acute myeloid leukemia in vivo
Andreas Hagen Røssevold
Article title:  Atezolizumab plus anthracycline-based chemotherapy in metastatic triple-negative breast cancer: the randomized, double-blind phase 2b ALICE trial

2022: Håvard T. Lindholm & Naveen Parmar 
Article Title: BMP signaling in the intestinal epithelium drives a critical feedback loop to restrain IL-13–driven tuft cell hyperplasia
Muhammad Ali & Eirini Giannakopoulou
Article title: T cells targeted to TdT kill leukemic lymphoblasts while sparing normal lymphocytes

2021: Jiang Xiaojun
Article Title: “A heterozygous germline CD100 mutation in a family with primary sclerosing cholangitis.”
Rahel Frick  & Lene S. Høydahl
Article Title: “A high-affinity human TCR-like antibody detects celiac disease gluten peptide–MHC complexes and inhibits T cell activation.”

2020: Malin Bern
Article Title: An engineered human albumin enhances half-life and transmucosal delivery when fused to protein-based biologics
Members of the 2020 award committee: Else Marit Inderberg, Victor Greiff, Brian K. Chung, Kushi Kushekhar, Alexandre Corthay, Igor Snapkov, Filip M. Segers, Bergithe Oftedal, Markus Haug, Maria Therese Ahlen, Marit Inngjerdingen

2019: Lene Støkken Høydahl
Article Title: Plasma cells are the most abundant gluten peptide MHC-expressing cells in inflamed intestinal tissues from patients with celiac disease
Members of the 2019 award committee: Inger Sandlie, Victor Greiff, Brian K. Chung, Kushi Kushekhar, Monika Szymanska, Erik Bratland, Markus Haug, Maria Therese Ahlen, Else Marit Inderberg

2018: Krzysztof Sikorski 
Awarded for the article: A high-throughput pipeline for validation of antibodies
Members of the 2018 award committee: Victor Greiff; Institute of Clinical Medicine, Brian K. Chung; Research Institute of Internal Medicine, Kushi Kushekhar; Institute for Cancer Research

2017: Ole J.B. Landsverk 
Awarded for the article: Antibody-secreting plasma cells persist for decades in human intestine“.
The committee for the award in 2018 was: Rasmus Iversen, Institute for Immunology, UiO; Raquel Bartolomé Casado, Department of Pathology, OUS; Lene Støkken Høydahl, Institute for Immunology, UiO; Monika Szymanska, Department of Pathology, UiO and OUS

2011: Anette S. Bøe Wolff
Awarded for the article: Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis in APECED or thymoma patients correlates with autoimmunity to Th17-associated cytokines
Read the winning article.
The commitee for the award in 2011 was: Elin Bergseng, Institute for Immunology, UiO; Espen Bækkevold, Department of Pathology, UiO; Lise Kveberg, Institute for Immunology, UiO

2010: Elin Bergseng and Lars-Egil Fallang
Awarded for the article: Differences in the risk of celiac disease associated with HLA-DQ2.5 or HLA-DQ2.2 are related to sustained gluten antigen presentation
Read  the winning article.
The commitee for the award in 2010 was: Gøril Berntzen, Insitute of Immunology, UiO; Roberto di Niro, Institute of Immunology, UiO; Maria K. Dahle, Insitute of Basic Medical Science, UiO.

2009: Michael Zangani
Awarded for the article: Lymphomas can develop from B cells chronically helped by idiotype-specific T cells
Read the winning article.
The committee for the award in 2009 was: Sébastien Walchli, Institutt for kreftforskning, Radiumhospitalet; Anne Lise K. Hestvik, Immunologisk Institutt, Universitetet i Oslo; Geir Åge Løset, Institutt for Molekylær Biovitenskap, Universitetet i Oslo.

2008: Melinda Ráki
Awarded for the article: Tetramer visualization of gut-homing gluten-specific T cells in the peripheral blood of celiac disease patients.
Read  the winning article.
The committee for the award in 2008 was: Finn-Eirik Johansen, Institutt for patologi, Universitetet i Oslo;  Inger Øynebråten, Immunologisk Institutt, Universitetet i Oslo; Alexandre Corthay, Immunologisk Institutt, Universitetet i Oslo.

2007: Espen Ø. Kvale
Awarded for the article: CD11C+ dendritic cells and plamacytoid DCs are activated by human cytomegalovirus and retain efficient T cell-stimulatory capability upon infection.
Read the winning article.
The committee for the award in 2007 was: Zlatko Dembic, Institutt for oral biologi Universitetet i Oslo; Trygve Holmøy Immunologisk institutt Universitetet i Oslo; Liv Jorun Reitan, Seksjon for immunprofylakse Veterinærinstituttet.

2006: Trygve Holmøy og Agnete B. Fredriksen
For arbeidet: Cerebrospinal fluid T cell clones from patients with multiple sclerosis: recognition of idiotopes on monoclonal IgG secreted by autologous cerebrospinal fluid B cells.
Les  vinner artikkelen.
The committee for the award in 2006 was: Professor Tom Eirik Mollnes (formann), Institutt for Immunologi, Rikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet Universitetssykehus, Steinar Funderud, Institutt for kreftforskning, Avdeling for immunologi, Rikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet Universitetssykehus; Vibeke Videm, Institutt for laboratoriemedisin, NTNU; Stig Tollefsen, NSI styrets medlem (sekretær)

2005: Karoline W. Schjetne
Read the article here.
The committee for the award in 2005 was: Zlatko Dembic, Institutt for oral biologi; Bent Rolstad, Avdeling for anatomi; Trond S. Halstensen, Institutt for oral biologi, Universitetet i Oslo.