NSI Annual Meeting 2024 – Apply for Immunology Awards!

Dear NSI members,

hope you have all had a nice summer! 

The registration for the NSI annual meeting 2024, happening on November 29, is now open: https://nettskjema.no/a/440879. Also, please find below an overview of the NSI awards that you can apply for:

NSI – Bogen Young Investigator Award: A prize of NOK 50 000 for a young excellent researcher within the field of immunology. Please send nominations to Silke Appel (silke.appel@uib.no) before October 14, 2024.

NSI Publication Award: Given to the 1st author(s) of an outstanding original scientific paper in the field of immunology. Please send nominations to Gunnveig Grødeland (gunnveig.grodeland@medisin.uio.no) before October 14, 2024.

Per Brandtzæg’s Travel Grant: Travel grant to support international travel for postdoc in the field of immunology (mucosal immunology will be prioritized). Please send your application to Gunnveig Grødeland (gunnveig.grodeland@medisin.uio.no) before October 14, 2024.

NSI Travel grant: Please remember that persons from outside of Oslo who are presenting a poster or talk to the NSI Annual meeting on Nov 29 may apply for a travel grant.