Day of Immunology 2024
The Day of Immunology will be organized Saturday 27 April. The theme of this years day of immunology is “Immunity Through the Ages: Navigating the Science of Aging and Immunology“. The event will be held in Norwegian!
Date and time: 27 April, 11:00-13:00
Place: Skram salen, Litteraturhuset, Wergelandsveien 29, Oslo
You can find more details here:
or here:

Travel Grants to ECI in Dublin
The Scandinavian Society for Immunology will award a total 23 travel grants for the 7th European Congress of Immunology (ECI) in Dublin, Ireland, September 1-4, 2024. Note that there is no separate annual SSI meeting in 2024, the 2024 general assembly for SSI will be held at the ECI meeting. Each grant is for 1500 EUR.
To apply, please send SSI the abstract you plan to present at the meeting, a motivation letter, and confirmation that you are a member of one of the national societies (e.g. NSI) in good standing (member since 1.1.2024).
Send the application to:
Deadline: April 2nd, 2024.
Abstract deadline for the congress is April 2nd.
Early bird deadline for registration is May 15th. Abstract awardees will be notified before this deadline.
NSI Annual Meeting 2023 prizes
Congratulations to all the winners! As always the competition was tight, which is why some prizes were divided between two top candidates. Thank you all for the participation and remember to join the contest next year as well!
Best poster award:
Håvard T. Lindholm (abstract title: Retroelement decay by the exonuclease XRN1 is a viral mimicry dependency in cancer)
Runa I. Løberg (abstract title: Generation of an immunoglobulin knock-in mouse to study gluten-specific T cell – B cell collaboration in celiac disease)
Best talk award:
Christopher Forcados (talk title: Targeting carbohydrates in adenocarcinomas: STn-CAR T cells)
NSI-Bogen research award:
Rasmus Iversen
NSI research award:
Eirini C. Giannakopoulou (article title: A T cell receptor targeting a recurrent driver mutation in FLT3 mediates elimination of primary human acute myeloid leukemia in vivo)
Andreas H. Røssevold (article title: Atezolizumab plus anthracycline-based chemotherapy in metastatic triple-negative breast cancer: the randomized, double-blind phase 2b ALICE trial)
NSI Annual Meeting 2023
We are happy to announce that the 41st Annual meeting will be held Friday 24th November 2023 in Oslo.
National Speakers
Johanne Jacobsen. Dept. of Immunology, University of Oslo. T cells: drivers and suppressors of the germinal center reaction
Jan Terje Andersen. Dept. of Pharmacology, Dept. of Immunology, University of Oslo. Biology-guided engineering of versatile antibody and albumin technologies
Yenan Bryceson. Karolinska Institutet (SE), University of Bergen (NO). Regulation of lymphocyte cytotoxicity in tissues
NSI Keynote Lecture
Nelson Gekara. Stockholm University, Sweden. Role of intracellular DNA sensors in innate immune priming and genome stability
Full program:
Abstract book:
41st NSI Annual Meeting and General Assembly
Registration and abstract submissions for the 41st NSI Annual Meeting and General Assembly are now open!
Date: Friday, November 24, 2023
Time: 9.30 to 22.00
Location: Runde Auditorium, Domus Medica
Deadlines: Registration deadline:21st November 2023. Poster abstract to be considered for short talk deadline: 14th October (submission after deadline will only be posters). Poster abstract deadline: 1st November 2023. Dinner fee deadline (350 NOK):23rd November 2023 [last year, very few people paid this fee. You can find the bank details in the nettskjema below.]
Please register and submit your abstract here:
**Four (4) travel grants will be awarded for non-Oslo attendees**. A successful candidate must have an abstract as first author for the NSI yearly meeting. Responsible: Gunnveig Grødeland ( Deadline: Same as Poster abstract deadline.
Abstract guidelines/dinner information etc. can be found in the Nettskjema link above.
Programme Highlights:
Session 1: Sponsor presentations
Session 2: NSI Keynote Lecture – Nelson Gekara (Umeå University, Sweden)
Lunch (free-for registered attendees)
Sessions 3 and 4: Three National Speakers (Johanne Jacobsen, Jan Terje Andersen, Yenan Bryceson) and 6–8 short presentations chosen from abstracts.
NSI General Assembly, poster session, and dinner party (with fee, see above) after Session 4 (17.40 onwards)
A few notes:
– We are seeking nominations for several prizes (see also previous NSI emails)
– NSI Research Prize. Recognizes an outstanding article published within the last year (Nov 2022-present). Please send nominations to Gunnveig Grødeland ( before October 16. Eligibility information is here:
–Per Brandtzæg Award. Deadline: October 31. More information here: Send the application to Professor Emeritus Frode Vartdal (e-mail:
–NSI-Bogen Prize. Bjarne Bogens stiftelse til fremme av immunologisk forskning” has established a yearly prize of NOK 50 000 for a young researcher within the field of immunology. Deadline:Oct 10th. More information here: Send the application to Victor Greiff (
A finalized program will be sent shortly, and we look forward to a great meeting and dinner!
Reminder: we are looking for NSI members to replace two
49th Annual Meeting and Summer School of the Scandinavian Society for Immunology
This year Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Society of Immunology will be held in Turku, Finland, June 4-7, 2023.
The programme is available on the website and registration is now open:
Hope to meet you there!
Day of Immunology 2023
The Day of Immunology will be organized Saturday 29 April. The theme of this years day of immunology is “Folkehelse“. Find the program attached below. The event will be held in Norwegian.
Date and time: 29 April, 11:00-14:30
Place: Litteraturhuset, Wergeland sal
NSI Annual Meeting 2022 – Abstract book
NSI Annual Meeting 2022
We are happy to announce that the 40th Annual meeting will be held Friday 25th November in Oslo.
Please register and submit your abstract here:
Program highlights:
National Speaker
June Myklebust, Group leader, Dept. of Immunology, Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital, Associate Professor, Institute for Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo
Deciphering immune cell states in the B-cell lymphoma microenvironment
NSI Keynote Lecture
Bruno Miguel de Carvalho e Silva Santos, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Gamma-delta T cells for immunotherapy of cancer
National NSI Speaker
Helena Erlandsson Harris, The Broegelmann Chair in Translational Immunology Broegelmann, Research Laboratory, University of Bergen
Revealing immune mechanisms active in juvenile arthritis by a proteomics approach
National NSI Speaker
Peter Szodoray , B-cell Receptor Signaling Group (BCRS), Department of Immunology, Rikshospitalet, Oslo University Hospital
Integration of T-helper signals with BCR signaling mediates enhanced plasma cell
differentiation of human memory B-cells through regulation of CD45 phosphatase activity
We congratulate Bergithe Eikeland Oftedal from the University of Bergen with the SSI Young Investigator Award 2022!
The award is given to an outstanding early career researcher from each of the five national societies every year. The awardees have made significant scientific contributions in the field and in promoting immunology in Scandinavia.
The award was handed out at the 48th Annual Meeting and Summer School of the Scandinavian Society for Immunology, 12-15 June 2022 in Reykjavik, Iceland.
Day of Immunology 2022
Save the date! Day of Immunology will be organized this year in-person, on Friday 29 April. The 2022 Day of Immunology (DOI) theme is VACCINES in effort to increase awareness of the importance of immunology in the fight against infection, autoimmunity, and cancer.
Date and time: 29 April, 11:00-14:30
Place: Litteraturhuset
The 48th Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Society of Immunology and Summer School 2022
This year Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Society of Immunology will be held in Reykjavik, Iceland, June 12-15, 2022.
The programme is available on the website and registration is now open:
Hope to meet you there!

Day of Immunology 2022
Save the date! Day of Immunology will be organized this year in-person, Friday 29th April. The 2022 Day of Immunology (DOI) theme is VACCINES in effort to increase awareness of the importance of immunology in the fight against infection, autoimmunity, and cancer.
More information will come soon.
NSI Rising Stars in Immunology Seminar Series
This month we are pleased to have Dr. Danika Hill at the NSI Rising Stars in Immunology – see seminar details below:
Speaker: Dr. Danika Hill
“Studying germinal centre responses to vaccines in humans”
Date: Thursday, Jan 27, 2022 at 10.00.
Talk coordinates:
Meeting ID: 653 0417 2967
Passcode: 736369
2021 NSI Research Prizes to Jiang Xiaojun and Rachel Frick & Lene S. Høydahl
This year we had the pleasure of announcing two Research Prize winners. Congratulations to both teams for their excellent work!
Jiang Xiaojun et al. is one of the winners with their work entitled:
“A heterozygous germline CD100 mutation in a family with primary sclerosing cholangitis.”
Rahel Frick, Lene S. Høydahl et al. were awarded the prize for their work entitled:
“A high-affinity human TCR-like antibody detects celiac disease gluten peptide–MHC complexes and inhibits T cell activation.”
NSI Annual General Assembly 2021 – Programme
Reminder: the NSI Annual General Assembly for 2021 will take place on Friday, November 26, 2021
9:00 – 9:05 Welcome Address by Else Marit Inderberg (NSI President) & Petter H¨oglund (SJI Editor)
9:05 – 9:30 NSI Reporting (election of New Board members, change of election committee, financials, future events)
9:30 – 10:00 NSI Research Prize lecture(s)
10:00 – 10:45 NSI AGM Keynote – Pan H¨ammerstr¨om (Karolinska) “Infections and immunity, COVID-19 and beyond”
Please join the virtual meeting on Zoom here:
Meeting ID: 690 9466 7019
Passcode: 218634
NSI Rising Stars in Immunology Seminar Series
We are pleased to have Prof Marcus Buggert (Dec 9) at the NSI Rising Stars in Immunology – see seminar details below:
Speaker: Prof Marcus Buggert
Title: TBA
Date: 14:00, December 9, 2021
Talk details:
Meeting ID: 675 2241 1462
Passcode: 727934
In Memoriam
NSI sadly acknowledges the recent passing of three honorary NSI members Erik Thorsby (1938-2021), Jacob Birger Natvig (1934-2021) Marten Harboe (1929-2021).
Erik, Jacob and Marten were internationally-recognized pioneers of medicine and basic research and helped establish the foundation of the Norwegian immunology community.
Morten Harboe (1929-2021):
Erik Throsby (1938-2021):
Jacob Birger Natvig (1934-2021):
New NSI logo
A new NSI logo created by Kushi Kushekhar (NSI Committee member) and Yi Zheng (Yi Zheng Illustrations) was approved at the 2020 NSI General Assembly. The logo is inspired by traditional Norwegian knitting patterns (‘strikkeoppskrifter’).
Congratulations Kushi and Yi on the fantastic collaboration.

2020 NSI Immunology Prize – Malin C. Bern
Malin C. Bern et al. is the winner of the 2020 NSI Immunology Prize. Congratulations to her and the entire team for their excellent work entitled:
‘An engineered human albumin enhances half-life and transmucosal delivery when fused to protein-based biologics’
A video summary can be viewed here:
Per Brandtzæg’s travel grant for mucosal immunology research
The Per Brandtzæg travel grant of NOK 100,000 will support training in mucosal immunology research.
The application must contain the following documents:
-Project plan (maximum 10 pages)
-CV (maximum 2 pages)
-List of publications
-Budget containing information about travel and accommodation as well as any support from other sources
-Letter of recommendation from a relevant Norwegian institution and an invitation letter from the head of the department at the foreign institution where the applicant will stay
Click this link for more information.
The application can be written in English or Norwegian. The application documents must be collected in one pdf document and sent no later than 20th November 2020 to Professor Emeritus Frode Vartdal (e-mail:
New SSI logo – congratulations Kushi!
Huge round of applause to our very own Kushi Kushekhar (NSI Committee member) for designing the new Scandinavian Society for Immunology (SSI) logo!
We are extremely proud of your well-deserved recognition Kushi!

38th NSI Annual Meeting and General Assembly
Registration for the 38th NSI Annual Meeting and General Assembly is now open.
Date: Friday, November 27, 2020
Time: 9.00 to 10.00 CEST
Location: Zoom (link to be sent closer to the meeting date)
Registration deadline: November 26, 2020
Please register here:
Programme Highlights:
Given the circumstances with covid-19, NSI has opted for a virtual Annual Meeting on Zoom shortened to the essential programme items: (1) the General Assembly and (2) a presentation by the recipient of the NSI research prize.
09.00–09.30 General Assembly
09.30–10.00 presentation by recipient of NSI research prize
We are seeking nominations for the NSI Research Prize, which recognizes an outstanding article published within the last year (Nov 2019–present).
Please send nominations to Victor Greiff ( before November 01.
Eligibility information is here:
The 19th Biennial Meeting of The European Society of immunodeficiencies (ESID 2020) will now take place October 14-17, 2020 as a virtual meeting.
3rd International NTNU Symposium on Clinical Biomarkers of Cancer: Early detection and cancer therapy prediction; are we there?
**Meeting has been rescheduled to June 14 – 18, 2021 due to COVID-19**
–Read more about the Symposium here.
–Register for the Symposium here.
-NSI will award five 2000 kr travel awards – register today!
NSI and CEPI seminar – Technology platforms for rapid response against ‘Disease X’
NSI and CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) will host a seminar on technology platforms for responding to future outbreaks of emerging infectious diseases and unknown pathogens, known as “Disease X”. Disease X was added to the list of Blueprint priority diseases as a “known unknown” by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2018.
Date: Wednesday, Feb 5th, 2020
Time: 14.00-16.00
Location: Auditorium Blå/Blue, Rishospitalet, Oslo
Chair: Gunnveig Grødeland (University of Oslo)
14.00: Stig Tollefsen, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI)
CEPI; the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, and the call for immunoprophylactic technology platforms to rapidly respond to Disease X
37th NSI Annual Meeting & General Assembly
Date: Friday, November 29, 2019
Time: 9.30 to 22.00
Location: Runde Auditorium, Domus Medica, Oslo
View the final programme here.
2019 Immunology Day at Litteraturhuset
Theme for 2019: current and future use of antibiotics
Thank you all of the attendees and participants!
We encourage you to visit here for a summary of the discussion.
Guest Lectures – UiO FOCIS Center of Excellence

UiO FOCIS is pleased to announce the following activities:
(1) Symposium at Rikshospitalet
September 17th, 12:00 – 14:00 – Auditorium 1, Blått
Title: Comparative Immunology
12:00 Shuo-Wang Qiao, University of Oslo
12:30 Victor Greiff, University of Oslo
13:00 Peter Parham, Stanford University School of Medicine
(2) Symposium at Radiumhospitalet
September 20th, 14:30 – 15:30 – Seminar room, 4th floor, Research building
Title: Modulation of NK cells through receptor interactions
14:30 Peter Parham, Stanford University School of Medicine
15:00 Erik Dissen, University of Oslo
See link to the events and add to you calendars:
Travel support and FOCIS courses:
New travel supports and courses from FOCIS . Read more at
NSI summer symposium + BBQ
Immunological specificity in adaptive immunity, cancer and autoimmunity
Join us for the annual NSI summer symposium and BBQ!
We have an outstanding scientific programme – click here for details.
Date: Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Location: Auditorium Grønt; Rikshospitalet; Cafe Eric; Domus Medica (BBQ)
Time: Scientific programme: 16.15-18.30; BBQ: 19.00 onwards
UiO FOCIS Centers of Excellent Symposium Interaction of Immunology and Microbiota
18-22 April, 2019
Thank you Professor Andrew Macpherson for an inspiring keynote presentation and very productive week of science and networking.

2019 Scandinavian Society for Immunology (SSI) Annual Meeting
NSI hosted the SSI annual meeting at Geilo, Norway 2-6 April 2019.
Visit the SSI 2019 website for photos and archived information.