SSI travel grants for SSI2025 Annual Meeting

Dear all,
The Scandinavian Society of Immunology is happy to announce a number of travel grants for the 50th Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Society of Immunology; SSI2025 –

The following grant types will be available:
Stockholm area: 450 EUR
Rest of Sweden: 800 EUR
Finland/Norway/Denmark: 1000 EUR
Iceland: 1300 EUR

To apply, please send us the abstract you plan to present at the meeting, a motivation letter, and confirmation that you are a member of one of the national societies in good standing (member since 1.1.2025).

The grants will be made available for students, post docs and early career researchers.

Send the application to:
Deadline: May 20.

Abstract deadline for the congress is June 15th.
Awardees will be notified within the abstract deadline.

The grant will be paid out after the congress, and awardees need to attend the General Assembly at the SSI2025, and sign a document confirming physical presence.