Advantages of Membership

By becoming a member of the NSI you will have the below mentioned advantages.

NSI Meetings held by prominent immunologists

The NSI arranges immunology meetings with eminent speakers from Norway as well as international immunologists. The atmosphere is informal, promoting the exchange of knowledge and stimulating discussion. Refreshments are served before the meetings.

The NSI can help to sponsor meetings arranged by other people, with preference given to those arranged by members. Contact the secretary.

Newsletters and discussion forum

The meetings arranged by NSI are open for all, but as a member you receive regular notification by e-mail of NSI meetings as well as other important immunology events in Norway and world-wide. The mailing list <> is also an open discussion forum for all members, moderated by the secretary to avoid spam. All the members of NSI are automatically signed-up to this mailing list.

NSI Publication Award

The annual NSI Publication Award, awarded for an outstanding article on immunology, is given to a NSI member

SSI, EFIS and IUIS Membership

Membership of the Scandinavian Society for Immunology (SSI) and thereby the European Federation of Immunological Societies (EFIS) and the International Union of Immunology Societies (IUIS).

NSI members get a discount worth more than the NSI membership fee (!) when attending annual SSI-meetings.

Travel grants

Members with junior experience of immunology (e.g. PhD students) are invited to apply for travel bursaries for the annual SSI meeting.
Details on how to apply will be sent directly to members on request to the secretary.

Free subscription to Scandinavian Journal of Immunology

Free subscription to Scandinavian Journal of Immunology and discount subscription to The Immunologist.
Members are offered a free subscription to the Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, with only a cost for postage, currently 65 NOK/year.

Members are also offered a special discount rate of 350 NOK for the review journal The Immunologist, the official journal for the IUIS.

Discount on selected Nordic BioSite products

Nordic BioSite supports the research performed by NSI members by offering a discount on selected products for all NSI members. Please contact for more information.

Click here to become a member !