32nd NSI Annual Meeting and General Assembly 2014

Time: Thursday November 13th 11:00 ‐18:00
Venue: Nye Auditorium 13, Domus Medica, University of Oslo

The Annual Meeting with scientific presentations will be held from 11:00 – 18:00, directly followed by the General Assembly from 18:00-18:30.

The poster session with refreshments will be held outside Auditorium 13 from 18:30 – 19.30, followed by the Annual Dinner and Party in Forvalterboligen at Rikshospitalet at 19:30.

Abstract presentations
We encourage all NSI members to submit abstracts for the meeting. 8-10 of the submitted abstracts will be selected for oral presentations. Please note that oral presentations may qualify for study points towards a degree. In addition, we hope to see many posters and discussions during the poster session. Please indicate during registration whether you wish to present a poster. Poster presentation is independent of the oral presentations, and you may present in both formats.

Agenda for the General Assembly
The agenda for the General Assembly is included as a separate attachment. All documents for the General Assembly will be circulated to all members no later than 1 week prior the Assembly. Members that wish to bring up an item for discussion at the General Assembly can notify Marit Inngjerdingen at mariti@medisin.uio.no in advance in order to put it on the agenda.

Abstract submission and registration for the NSI Annual Party is now open at https://nettskjema.uio.no/answer/61743.html, and we encourage you to register by November 1st.
Please pay 200 NOK for the dinner and party upon registration, using the bank account 0540 08 38560 (Norsk Selskap for Immunologi).
Mark the payment with your name and “NSI Annual Meeting”.

11:00 NSI Special Guest Lecture
Per Brandtzæg, Department of Pathology, OUS
The advent of immunological research in Norway and NSI as a catalyst
11:45 NSI Main Lecture
Prof. Chiara Romagnani, Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum Berlin
To be announced (Topic: ILCs)
12:30 Lunch
13:00 National NSI Speakers
Kristin Fenton, Department of Medical biology, University of Tromsø
Lupus nephritis: from mesangial cell activation to development of tertiary lymphoid structures
Jan Terje Andersen, Department of Immunology, Oslo University Hospital
Intracellular antibody sensing in the battle against infection
Piotr Mydel, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen
Post-translational modifications as a modulator of immune responses
15:30 Abstract sessions I and II (separated by coffee break)
18:00 NSI General Assembly
19:30 NSI Annual Dinner and Party, Forvalterboligen, Rikshospitalet